Row and Column Select
For a quick select of an entire row or column :
Ctrl + Space bar will select the entire column of your active cell.
Shift + Space bar will select the entire row of your active cell.
Switch Between Worksheets
Ctrl+Page up takes you to the next worksheet on the right
Ctrl+page down takes you to the next worksheet on the left.
Set and Clear Borders
Ctrl+Shift+& or Alt+H+B+S will add a complete (thin) border around your selected cells.
CTRL+Shift+_ or Alt+H+B+N will remove all the border formatting from your selected cells.
Quick-Format Cells
Ctrl+Shift+! will set the Number format. Eg: 50.00, 85.56 etc..
CTRL+Shift+% will set the Percentage format.
CTRL+Shift+~ will clear the format, giving you a clean, unformatted cell.
Repeat the last action
If you want to insert a row in Excel, you have several ways to do so, some use the mouse, some use the keyboard. The way I do it is to activate the cell where I want to insert rows. I then hit these keys: Alt+I+R for Inserting a new row in Excel. That inserts the first row. For each additional row I then hit ‘F4’ key and it will repeat the very recent action. If I want to insert 6 rows, I hit it 6 times.
F4 or Ctrl+Y will repeat your last action.
Paste Special
Ctrl+Alt+V will bring up the Paste Special dialog box.
Easy way to find more shortcuts
“ALT” will bring up Key Tips, which will show you the keyboard shortcuts for the menu system. Press Alt and follow the Alphabetical letters .
Apply Filter
Press Ctrl+Shift+L will apply filter in Excel Data. Press again to remove filter from the data.